My Name Is Anonymous And I’m an Alcoholic and Addict

This is not my first blog. I started a few during the dark parts of my addiction. Then started another when I began my recovery. I feel it is a good time to start over and go back to the beginning of my story. Maybe one day my story will help another. But for now, I’m satisfied with this helping only me while I sort this out.

Today I love my life, but it wasn’t always like this. There were times I wanted to die and times I tried. I felt worthless and had no hope. But those feelings have been replaced. Life isn’t perfect now, but I deal with it better. A few days into my recovery, I had a family member pass away. The first time I saw family in years was at his funeral, but I made it through and stayed sober. I stayed in a self made cocoon for years, hiding from everyone. I’m glad that is no longer the case.

I’m 39 years old. I am a female. I am a mother of 4. I am a wife, and have been for 23 years. I am a sister. I am a daughter of an addicted and alcoholic mother. I am a daughter of an addicted step dad. I am a daughter of an alcoholic dad.

Miraculously I made it out. It wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t easy. But I’ve made it. I am the person that my mother always intended to be. But I’m on no pedestal. I was lucky. God showed me an escape and I ran towards it like crazy.

I have no shame for where I’ve been, only goals for where I am going.

35 thoughts on “My Name Is Anonymous And I’m an Alcoholic and Addict”

  1. This post is absolutely beautiful! Your story is a great testament and will be a stepping stone for someone who is where you once were. We all have a story to tell that will help someone get through theirs little bit easier. Thank you for sharing your journey! I’m inspired. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on being the person to break your family history of addiction. I love your attitudes. I have no doubt that even this one post will help others.

    Welcome to the Word Press blogging community. I know you will find this a very supportive place to be.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really like this post. I am sure, your efforts will give you the fruitful results. You are a brave and strong person who didn’t give up. You are a true inspiration.!! God bless you!.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “I have no shame for where I’ve been, only goals for where I am going.” These two lines shows everything. This everything shows everything; from why did you wanted to come out from that ‘hell’, your positive attitude life after a bad experience, where you want to go in life now and so forth.

    It need guts to jot down things like these and you showed you have by telling the truth.

    Best of luck for future!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for sharing! I too am a woman in recovery and connect with what you’re writing 🙂 it’s always hopeful to hear another story filled with love and growth in a time so heavy with the destruction of the disease. I look forward to reading more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The more people hide, the more alone we feel. But we are not alone. We are all struggling. I love your attitude. Tweeting: “I have no shame for where I’ve been, only goals for where I am going.” as a lead to this post.

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    1. I’m speechless which never happens. All I’ve wanted was to maybe have someone else understand my words.
      You’ve just made my week. I told my husband my words made it to Twitter!! 🙂
      He said how cool is that.
      Extremely cool to me….the words are overused but I truly truly mean it: thank you thank you

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